Monday, December 13, 2010

It's been a while

Hey guys,

Wow, I have been super slack and haven't posted in ages! I was house sitting for a couple weeks after finishing exams and since then have been working full time so my motivation for crafting/sewing hasn't exactly been high. Plus it's been really hot. In other words, I am just a bit too lazy heh.

Btw, I just wanna say thanks for the comments guys! I didn't think anyone was reading my blog but the comments show otherwise and that makes me happy and more motivated to post stuff. So again thank you. =]

Kay, onto the pics! I made a weighted pincushion caddy type thing using this tutorial found here (the tutorial's in pdf format and there's a link to download it underneath her 4th pic if you want to make one yourself =]). It's pretty cool, it's got a bag to hold all your sewing trash (that's removable) and a couple little pockets to put scissors and crap in.

It's way easier than it looks (my sewing skills are relatively basic) but I did screw up the scraps bag (in her pics it's short and squat, mine's long cause I folded the wrong ends together, doh!) but it still works. Here's a view from the top.

And here's a close up of the little pockets you can put stuff in.
And here's a close up picture of the top of it on a slight angle just to be artsy (lol, artistic fail).
So that's that.

I've made an apron for my aunty for Christmas and I'm in the process of making a black/leopard-print one for the bf's mum (will post pics when I finish).

To finish off, a couple pics of my cat Indy for your viewing pleasure.

Take care guys,

San xx

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pinafore dress

Hey again!

A little while back I made a pinafore dress using Max California's tut (can't find the link now but it's somewhere on her blog) but I got lazy and didn't completely finish it. Today I finally picked it back up, hemmed it, chucked a bow on the front and this is how it turned out.

 Unfortunately (or fortunately? Depends how you look at it), I've lost a bit of weight since I originally made it about a month ago and so it's a bit loose and the zip on the back sits a bit funny. But other than that it turned out pretty cute. Here's a close up of the bow. 'Scuse the spots on the dirty mirror, heh.

I put a bit of interfacing inside the bow so that it wasn't too floppy.

The fabric unintentionally matched my shoe laces! Lol, what are the chances?

Close up of my shoes, lol. =]

I'm on study break at the moment so it's all study study study! I'd much rather be sewing.. or playing Fable III lol. Too many distractions, ahh!

San xx

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Yay fabric!

Hey guys,

There's this shop near my house run by this little old lady and she sells lots of random stuff like lace and elastic, etc. Well anyway, I went in there to pick up some interfacing yesterday and she had this massive pile of fabric remnants on the floor in the corner and she gave me a plastic bag and was like "You can have whatever you can fit in the bag for 10 bucks". Woo! 

A lot of it was really old and kinda dated material but I managed to pick out a few good bits (some of them were 3.5m+!). I picked out some black and white stretch lace (you can't see the pattern on the black lace very well, it's in the bottom left corner), some plain white cotton knit, nearly 4m of thin ribbed blue knit, a couple pieces of random cotton, some black lining and in the back there's a big piece of wooly weavey stuff (gonna reupholster a chair with that one).

I had a go at making some undies today. I made them out of blue and white striped stretch knit and I used this tut. I must admit I had a bit of trouble cutting up my poor old undies.. how weird is that? I lined them with some of the white knit (from the photo above) and added some little blue ribbon bows after they were done.

Here's a close up of one of the bows.

That's me for today. Hope you all had a good weekend!

San xx

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Refashioned knit shirt

Hey guys,

I don't have a before picture but here is a skirt I made from an old long-sleeved knit shirt.

I basically just cut straight across the shirt underneath the arms and collar and hemmed the top so that it was the right length (the shirt fit my hips perfectly so I didn't have to take it in or anything =] ), then I cut open the sleeves and used them to make the ruffle. Easy!

I think it turned out pretty spiffy. =]

Here are a couple more skirts I made from some thick stretchy knit stuff I had in my stash. It's black with white hearts and arrows on it. I made one plain using the fold-over-band mini tutorial on Max California's awesome-ass blog (I love her, she is so awesome!).

The second one I did the same thing but chucked a couple of ruffles on the bottom of it instead of the fold-over band. Because it's really thick fabric my machine had a spaz going through all the layers. It managed though. Slowly.

That's all for today. Thanks for reading!

San xx

First post ever

Hey non-existent readers,

I'm San. This blog will mainly be a place for me to post about the stuff I make and whatever else I feel like. I hope you enjoy my incessant ramblings and occasional crafted achievements.
Thanks for reading. =]

San xx